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YCC Update

Yorkton Curling Club

Dear YCC members,

I hope everyone has been able to stay safe and healthy.

This certainly has been a season to remember but not in a good way. LOL!!

Your board met on Tuesday evening ( via Skype) and made the determination that keeping the rink open in the off chance that the lockdown would be lifted is no longer a reasonable option.

The ice plant will be shut off Feb 1 2021.

Your membership fees that were paid this year will be applied to the 21/22 season. This includes any juniors that were signed up for the Sunday Junior League.

Should you require reimbursement , please contact Neil at the rink (783 4127). He will be staying on for the remainder of the season.

We will keep the lines of communication open over the coming months. If you have any questions or concerns let us know.

The board members and I will continue to work so that when we do open the doors in October 2021 we will be ready for the best season ever!

Bev Fuches

President YCC

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